The Lady Chapel
The Lady Chapel contains some very fine and unusual items.
The small Reredos is carved oak, gilded and ornamented in red: centre panel represents the Annunciation of Our Lord to Our Lady, with the side figures of St John and St Luke. The Reredos is in memory of the Revd AHM Peat, Assistant Priest and Organist 1911-1923.
- The Lady Chapel
The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in this Chapel (under the burning white light) in the Aumbry of which the outer door is carved oak, ornamented gilt with IHS monogram surrounded by rays of light. Unfortunately, this door was damaged by vandals in 1974.
- The Aumbry
To the right of the Lady Chapel is a Greek icon in oils of St Nicholas on a dark oak and decorated panel, which was a gift of the Revd Philip Bacon.
- The Icon of St Nicholas
The oak panelling along the north side of the Chapel includes a carved statue of Our Lady and Holy Child, partly gilded, on an oak pedestal, surmounted by a gilded canopy. The panelling and statue was given in memory of the Revd CA Walton, one-time Assistant Priest, who was killed on 31 Mary 1916 at the Battle of Jutland whilst serving on HMS Chester.
- Madonna & Child
As you leave the Chapel, on the left wall facing there is a brass of a Priest-in-Cope. The priest is Nicolas Clerk, who died in 1480. Originally, the brass was located on the South Wall near the High Altar but was moved when the panelling was installed.
- The Brass of Father Nicolas Clerk